Kelsey Merritt: The Philippines’ Next Miss Universe Hope? Here’s Why She Could Make History!

She is five-foot-eight, proudly from Pam­panga, a top model who has worked with su­per­model Gigi Ha­did in New York, speaks good English and Filipino, and most im­por­tantly, an­swers ques­tions well un­der pres­sure.

She is Kelsey Mer­ritt who was bom­barded with queries if she wants to con­sider join­ing beauty pageants as it seemed serendip­i­tous that she was re­cently launched as en­dorser of global makeup brand May­belline New York, just as Manila fin­ished host­ing Miss Uni­verse 2016, and right on time as many Filipinos are ask­ing who to send to Miss Uni­verse next.

She is Kelsey Mer­ritt who was bom­barded with queries if she wants to con­sider join­ing beauty pageants as it seemed serendip­i­tous that she was re­cently launched as en­dorser of global makeup brand May­belline New York, just as Manila fin­ished host­ing Miss Uni­verse 2016, and right on time as many Filipinos are ask­ing who to send to Miss Uni­verse next.

The 20-year-old, how­ever, set the record straight: “I have my pri­or­i­ties right now, which are mod­el­ing and fin­ish­ing school.”

Kelsey be­gan mod­el­ing at around 15 years old, when her model friends from Pam­panga en­cour­aged her to join them at Philip­pine Fash­ion Week.

From run­way mod­el­ing, she moved to do­ing fash­ion edi­to­ri­als and TV com­mer­cials. When she turned 18, an email shook her off her feet: an in­vi­ta­tion to sign up with New York-based mod­el­ing agency Wil­helmina In­ter­na­tional, founded by Dutch su­per­model Wil­helmina Cooper and the agency be­hind su­per­mod­els like Iman, Gia Carangi and Bev­erly Peele.

Wil­helmina In­ter­na­tional also man­ages singer-ac­tor Nick Jonas, pop star Demi Lo­vato and mod­els Cindy Bruna and Nyle DiMarco, among oth­ers.

Kelsey was in the first se­mes­ter of her sopho­more year as a Bach­e­lor of Arts Com­mu­ni­ca­tion ma­jor at Ate­neo de Manila Univer­sity when she re­ceived the email. In­stead of leav­ing school, she waited un­til sum­mer break to fly to New York.

“It was April 2015, my first trip to New York,” she re­called. “My par­ents were hes­i­tant to bring me there be­cause I was young, and I wasn’t re­ally ex­posed to living by my­self. But you know, you got to make it hap­pen!”


She only spent five months in New York, then im­me­di­ately re­turned to her stud­ies in Manila, where she con­tin­ued to model for mag­a­zine cov­ers and for in­ter­na­tional brands.

There were times she ad­mit­ted that she was tempted to leave school for mod­el­ing. One such in­stance was when her agency booked her for the ad cam­paign of Vera Wang’s White bridal col­lec­tion. Though she had a pa­per to pass the next day and ex­ams in Eco­nomics and Phi­los­o­phy wait­ing for her on her re­turn, she

still went to New York and did the shoot.


“I was cry­ing, be­cause I was do­ing my pa­per on the plane. I was so sleepy, so jet­lagged. I wanted to sleep, but I had to fin­ish the pa­per,” she told Ate­neo’s pub­li­ca­tion, The Guidon.

But then she thought: “‘Kelsey, you just shot for Vera Wang. Don’t com­plain. You’re not in the right state to com­plain.’ You know, be thank­ful.”

She is able to jug­gle her time be­tween stud­ies and work, thank­fully, through “God’s bless­ing” and with help from her fel­low Filipinos abroad.

Every time she goes to the Big Ap­ple, she feels blessed be­cause her Filip­ina beauty gives her an edge since there are not so many Filipino mod­els there.


“Filipinos abroad very wel­com­ing,” she main­tained. “When I’m there, they would call me, ‘Ka­p­atid! Kababayan!’ When I work with Filipinos in New York, they are ex­tra spe­cial to me.”

Two years ago, she shot a May­belline New York com­mer­cial as an ex­tra to the real en­dorser, Gigi Ha­did. But now that Kelsey has been cho­sen to rep­re­sent the brand in the Philip­pines, she said: “It’s sur­real to work with May­belline be­cause I came from a small town in Pam­panga. I never imag­ined I’ll be here. It’s crazy!”

Her ul­ti­mate dream is to be­come a Vic­to­ria’s Se­cret An­gel. “Who ever thought I would go to New York? I didn’t know,” she told The Guidon. “For now, my plan is to rep­re­sent the Philip­pines!”

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